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PA14 Probate Form


What is a PA14

A PA14 probate form is a medical certificate confirming that an individual doesn’t have sufficient mental capacity to manage the property and estate of someone who had died, as an executor or administrator.


Who can Complete a PA14?

The PA14 can only be completed by a medical professional but many GPs are declining or feel unable to complete the form and associated mental capacity assessment.


Our qualified and experienced social workers are approved by the Government’s HM Courts & Tribunals Service to carry out mental capacity assessments for this specific decision and complete PA14s.


What to Expect?

Our assessments usually take around an hour and our friendly, experienced social workers do their best to make sure it’s a comfortable and relaxed experience. We’re accredited expert mental capacity assessors, so you’re in good hands.

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Montreal Cognitive Assessment

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief, 30-question test that helps healthcare professionals detect cognitive impairments early on. ​


The MoCA can be beneficial in situations such as testamentary capacity where a client's will is likely to be contested, the MoCA can provide evidence, on the day, that there was no identifiable impairment of the mind or brain. 


Need help now?
Contact a member of our team

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