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Discharge from the Court of Protection


Why would you be discharged from a deputyship?

A loss of mental capacity can be temporary, which means that someone who needed a deputy, is now able to make their own decisions again. As experienced assessors, we can provide a thorough assessment of your capacity and evidence any changes, to support your discharge application to the Court of Protection.


How we can help

Our expert mental capacity assessors can help you or your loved one if you feel there has been a change in mental capacity. 


To best support you we recommend the completion of:

  • A Montreal cognitive Assessment

  • A specific report detailing your capacity to manage your own finances

  • A report detailing your capacity to grant a lasting power of attorney for finances, as a less restrictive option to a deputyship


Financial Decision Tracker

Not only does our assessment include a report evidencing your capacity but where appropriate we also include a financial decision tracker at no additional cost. 


Montreal Cognitive Assessment

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief, 30-question test that helps healthcare professionals detect cognitive impairments early on. 

The MoCA can be beneficial in situations such as testamentary capacity where a client's will is likely to be contested, the MoCA can provide evidence, on the day, that there was no identifiable impairment of the mind or brain. 


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Contact a member of our team

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